Kaya Design System

Licensing Agreement, Terms, and Conditions


We are thrilled to announce that the Kaya Design System, crafted with dedication and precision by the creative minds at dizayn.io, is now open to the community! We believe in empowering creators, and this step ensures that our innovative design system is accessible to all.

License Details

The Kaya Design System is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). In essence, this means:

  1. Free Use: You are free to use, adapt, modify, and build upon the Kaya Design System for both personal and commercial purposes.
  2. Attribution: Whenever you use or incorporate Kaya Design System, it is mandatory to give appropriate credit. This can be done by linking back to our website or mentioning “Kaya Design System by dizayn.io”.
  3. No Additional Restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
For a complete understanding of the license, please refer to the full CC BY 4.0 license text.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Ownership: The Kaya Design System remains the intellectual property of dizayn.io. By providing an open license, we are granting usage rights and not transferring ownership.
  2. Liability: dizayn.io is not responsible for any damages, losses, or issues that might arise from the use of the Kaya Design System. Users agree to utilize it at their own risk.
  3. Updates and Maintenance: While we are committed to the ongoing refinement and improvement of the Kaya Design System, we make no guarantees regarding regular updates or bug fixes.
  4. Support: The Kaya Design System is provided ‘as is’. We might offer community support, but there are no guarantees of personal assistance.
  5. Termination: dizayn.io reserves the right to terminate or modify the terms of this agreement at any point. Should this happen, we will make our best effort to notify users in a timely manner.


We are excited to see the incredible products, designs, and innovations that will emerge from the community’s engagement with the Kaya Design System. By leveraging our tools, we hope you can bring your creative visions to life more effectively and efficiently. Thank you for choosing and trusting the Kaya Design System by dizayn.io.
Note: It’s crucial to consult with a legal professional before finalizing and publishing any licensing agreements or terms and conditions to ensure they meet your specific needs and are compliant with applicable laws.


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